Some analytics

Here are the last month’s analytics for the OERs that we published. The three sources correlate nicely with each other, showing 1-4 visits/day. The resources on EPrints rank 101 in the list of ‘top content’, out of around 3000 records. I must admit that I was expecting better results given that we’re inviting four sources of traffic (WordPress, EPrints, Slideshare, iTunes). We don’t have the Slideshare Pro account, so to measure the average views, I added up the ‘views’ for each resource, divided by the total number of resources, divided that by the number of months they’d been on Slideshare and then divided that by 30, to get the number of hits per resource per day: 1.75. Doing the same for the videos on YouTube, the average number of views for each video is 4.98/day.

What’s also worth highlighting is that the students enrolled on this course also use these same public facing resources, so these analytics include internal use of the resources.

Videos on YouTube

Of the seventeen student-produced chemistry videos produced under the Fund for Educational Development last year, thirteen are now on YouTube for you to watch.  We’ve collected them into a playlist which can be found below or on our video page. The remaining four videos are being held back because they have minor errors which we need to correct. We’re releasing these videos early on in the Chemistry.FM project in the hope that we’ll receive comments here and on YouTube which may help us improve the project output overall. YouTube also provides web analytics for each video and we’re keen to start measuring and responding to the impact of our work as soon as possible.